Sometimes when I don’t know what to write I will look for inspirations within my photos. I do the same when I need to be reminded of beauty. Sunshine, raindrops, and a window makes me happy. Unless one fakes it by showing droplets on glass, you can’t have water effect unless it rains. There’s beauty before, during, and after particularly if there’s sun and rain together.

Available in Gallery + Shop order in canvas or prints (including metallic) from 8×10 and up.

Beauty in friendships

What does this art piece have to do with friendship you’d ask? Well…nothing really. It reminds me of dear friends. Several love the rain and dance in it. While the others bask in the warmth of the sun. And when you have both together…there’s contentment to have both the rain and the sun. Every part is beautiful and every part is timely.

For my friends who love the rain, they’re drawn to its melody and peacefulness. One prayed for rain for a wedding some years ago, if I’m not mistaken her prayers were answered. For my friends who love the sun- they gain energy and have a love for the outdoors. These friends of mine are happy for the other to have their favorite weather.

Raindrops and Sunshine

You see a photograph isn’t only about what you see though it is. It’s not only about how you feel though it definitely matters. It’s how you connect, what it reminds you of. That’s what I love about abstracts and macros. They make you •feel•, use your imagination, and create a story. Art is design to move someone forward, bring life, and no matter how bright or hard the subject matter may be it bring a message. It matters the art you let into your life, because the person who creates it puts heart and soul into the work.

Raindrops and Sunshine isn’t so much about the subject matter. Though I confess I find it dreamy and can picture a large metallic print that spans greater than a 20×16. A girl can dream right? It’s what makes me feel when I look at this piece. Hope and a fondness for good friends in my life.

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Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.