Seems like though the days of night time is shorter, the hours seems much longer. Then I blink and it’s night time. How is it that it’s BOTH long and incredibly short boggles my mind. For about two years now I’ve used the terminology “Time Budget.” Money you can make back. If things are lost…many can be replace ( please note I did NOT say all). But one thing that is never ever be return but is often stolen is time. When I was younger my mom would use a timer. The tick tock kept me focused and on task. A reminder to work. But never once (that I can remember) did she use it for play. Her method is that I got my work done and done well and then play. Little did I know at that time she was teaching me the value of learning and play together.

Some days I literally have to set the timer. It’s the only way for me to be insanely focus. Other days- it’s the silence or lull of music. Most days though it doesn’t take much for me to be hard at work. Especially since a couple of months ago I opted to put fun back into it. Mind you some details are just plain awful. But if I can, I try to make a game out of it. Then I celebrate at the end of the work day.

Love of learning has kept me going

The quote “Make it work than make it better” is inspiring. Because you don’t have to be perfect…simple do your best with what is available. The process of getting where you are going should as you can enjoyed…or at the very least filling you. Something that helps you within yourself come alive. Being kind to yourself as you grow in whatever it is that you are doing allows you to value playing even more.

Values of Play

Sometimes I wonder if we take or make too much of play. Yet…I don’t think so. Entertainment is NOT what I am referring to. Rather taking something of a job or re-creational after a job is done that helps keep us inspired. Play at least for me as kept me out of trouble. Creating, building, and making things of value while playing kept me from getting into much mischief.

As I have grown my business I have experienced the pitfalls of perfection and it has taken many years for myself to get on board. I have learned that perfection is the killer of play which in turns murders the love of learning. When we play we allow ourselves to explore. Sometimes we learn what we have is working other times we find something better. Then there’s the occasions where it breaks and we start all over again. Sometimes starting over is the best thing that can happen to us.

The Values of Learning and Play together helps us begin, have a middle, and finish.

When the two are put together we are encourage to begin, stay the course, and finish. Sometimes I have learned finishing means knowing when to walk away. But that isn’t here. We have the freedom to mix things up and not put so much pressure on ourselves. We can the best way we know how because we care. It is in our caring that allows the going extra miles to be use wisely. It helps when we must do the tasks we don’t want to do go faster so we can do what we love.It doesn’t solve everything to be sure, but it sure does help in the every day living.